It all began as notes on the back of a napkin in 2015 and now the successful Naples-based business is taking over Santa Monica, California.

Dragon Horse Agency has grown to about 25 clients and 15 employees.  It has two office locations in Florida and recently opened a location in Santa Monica at 100 Wilshire Building.

“Given Los Angeles’ depth and diversity of industry, resources, talent and top universities, DHA’s presence in Los Angeles will allow Dragon Horse to expand and also enhance our platform, offering the best and most comprehensive products and services to our clients, while bolstering our unwavering commitment to excellence and delivering the exceptional in terms of quality, professional expertise, reach and cost,” says Patrick Blake Renda, Dragon Horse Agency’s co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer.

The new location sits right in what is considered the epicenter of the creative capital of the world. Some have even referred to it as Wall Street West. Once the potential in L.A. was realized, it became an objective for Dragon Horse to open an office there to expand its services and brand.

“It was very serendipitous, the planets aligned,” says Koester, Dragon Horse co-founder, noting that they also have clients in L.A. and have been building their clientele in southern California. 

Dragon Horse Agency works to attract the best talent possible and is proud of its growth and its team. “We have a terrific family of dragons and baby dragons,” Renda says. “We have one of our staff members who has been with us for five years, starting as an intern and has now grown to be our social media manager. She has grown in her capability and professionalism—now she has her own office at headquarters. That is the kind of culture we promote here at Dragon Horse.”

To read the full article about Dragon Horse Agency’s expansion, check out the latest article in Gulf Shore Business.  Naples-based Dragon Horse Agency goes bicoastal – Gulfshore Business


Dragon Horse was founded in 2015, headquartered in Naples, FL, with offices in Santa Monica, CA, is a multi-award-winning business marketing leader offering services designed to achieve clients’ goals. Dragon Horse, a multi-award-winning business and marketing services agency seamlessly integrating diverse skill sets and services into a unified solution for achieving success, DragonONE. Cultivate Success, Commit to Exceptional only at Dragon Horse.


Author Dragon Horse

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